Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Peace Day: January,30th

January 30th is the day on which Mahatma Gandhi was killed, we will read some biographicla hints about his life in class.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


The following sheets include vocabulary and expressions which have to do with the topic: jobs and professions. It can help you both for the writing and the speaking task you should print them all!!!

Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2 

Here you have some samples of CVs, jobs vacancies and cover letters(cartas de presentación). All this can be useful for the preapration of the writing task: make up a job ad ( half o f the group) and reply it( the other half).

 Lifeguard CV sample 
Secondary School CV sample
Part-time Job cover letter sample
Summer job cover letter sample
Job ad: volunteer in Maldives
Job ad: internship
Job ad: photographer

The final task of the topic dealt with in unit 3 regarding to the speaking and interacting skills is a role play (interviewer and interviewee). The following video can help you to  the performance.

How to attend an interview

The following link is useful for the preparation of the role play

Role play questions and answers

Finally, I have included a sample of a job interview for you to take into account:

Sample of a job interview from Liliana Díaz Pérez

Good luck and work on it!!!!